Clem was the youngest of her siblings, but she held a special place in her family, especially in the heart of her grandmother. From her 7th birthday onwards, Clem’s grandmother had a tradition of gifting her a plastic sheep every year. Clem would act surprised, but deep down, she loved this tradition and the bond it represented.
However, when Clem’s grandmother passed away, she was left with a void that couldn’t be filled. Her mother would often remind her that her grandmother lived on through her, and that she was named after her grandmother, Clementine.
On Clem’s 20th birthday, her mother gave her another box with a plastic sheep inside. But this time, it was different. Her mother revealed that her grandmother had given her this sheep before she passed away, and that it was the last one.
As Clem looked at the plastic sheep, she broke down in tears. She had always thought that her grandmother’s tradition was quirky, but now she realized that it was something more. Her older brother, Sheldon, noticed her tears and asked if she had figured out the secret yet.
Confused, Clem asked Sheldon what he meant. He told her to look underneath the sheep, where she found a number and a message that read, “I love you.” As she looked at the other sheep, she realized that each one had a similar message and number.
Sheldon told her to arrange the numbers in the order she received the sheep, and to her surprise, a bank account number appeared. The next day, Clem went to the bank and discovered that her grandmother had saved $120,000 for her since the day she was born.
But that wasn’t all. The banker revealed that her grandmother had also left a safety deposit box in her name. Inside, Clem found a letter from her grandmother, explaining why she had left the money and the plastic sheep. Her grandmother wanted to ensure that Clem was set for life, and that no one could take the money from her.
Clem was overwhelmed with emotion as she read the letter. She felt grateful for her grandmother’s love and legacy. She went to her grandmother’s grave, took a cup of tea, and thanked her for the gift. “You’ve opened the door to my dream college,” she said. “I’ll always make you proud. You’ve loved me more than anyone else.”