A Prophetic Warning from Paul Harvey

Paul Harvey, a renowned news commentator and talk-radio pioneer, had a unique ability to captivate his audience with his distinctive style. At the height of his career, he reached an impressive 24 million listeners. One of his most notable broadcasts, which aired on April 3, 1965, has proven to be eerily prophetic.

In this broadcast, Harvey presented a thought-provoking scenario, beginning with the phrase, “If I were the Devil…” He went on to describe a series of events that would ultimately lead to the downfall of society. Sadly, many of the issues he discussed have become a reality today.

Harvey’s prophetic words began with a clever strategy to spread darkness and chaos. He would start by whispering deceitful ideas to people, convincing them that right is wrong and wrong is right. He would target the young, telling them that the Bible is a myth and that God is a human creation.

Harvey continued, describing how he would infiltrate various aspects of society, including education, media, and government. He would promote immorality, encourage laziness, and peddle addictive substances. His ultimate goal would be to eradicate God from all aspects of life, replacing Him with science and psychology.

One of the most striking aspects of Harvey’s broadcast is its relevance to modern society. Many of the issues he discussed, such as the decline of morality, the promotion of addiction, and the erosion of faith, are prevalent today.

Harvey’s prophetic warning serves as a reminder of the importance of standing firm against the forces of darkness. His words encourage us to remain vigilant and to promote values that are rooted in faith and morality.

As we reflect on Harvey’s prophetic broadcast, we are reminded of the power of insight and the importance of staying true to our values. His words continue to resonate with us today, serving as a warning and a call to action.

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