In a classroom filled with eager young minds, a teacher devised a creative word game to spark their imagination and vocabulary skills. The task was simple: come up with words that end with the suffix “tor” and have a voracious appetite for consumption.
The students enthusiastically raised their hands, ready to showcase their linguistic prowess. A confident young student kicked off the session, proudly exclaiming, “Alligator!” The teacher praised his impressive word choice, setting the tone for the rest of the activity.
As the game progressed, another student excitedly shouted, “Predator!” The classroom buzzed with anticipation, and the teacher commended the student’s remarkable vocabulary.
Then, it was Little Johnny’s turn. Known for his quick wit and mischievous grin, Johnny piped up with a cheeky tone, “Miss, v***ator.” The classroom erupted into giggles, and the teacher struggled to maintain her composure.
Once the laughter subsided, the teacher gently replied, “That’s quite a big word, Johnny, but it doesn’t actually consume anything.” Undeterred, Johnny matter-of-factly explained, “Well, my sister has one, and she says it eats batteries like there’s no tomorrow!” The classroom burst into laughter once again, and the teacher couldn’t help but chuckle at Johnny’s clever response.