A classic problem has been puzzling math enthusiasts for centuries, putting their critical thinking skills to the test. The challenge revolves around a man’s series of transactions involving a horse, leaving many wondering how he managed to turn a profit.
The scenario unfolds as follows: the man buys a horse for $60 and sells it for $70, making a profit of $10. He then buys the horse back for $80 and sells it again for $90, earning another $10. At first glance, the math seems complex, but the key lies in breaking down each transaction separately.
By treating each sale and purchase as individual events, the solution becomes clearer. The man’s initial profit of $10, earned from selling the horse for $70 after buying it for $60, is added to his second profit of $10, earned from selling the horse for $90 after buying it back for $80. This brings his total profit to $20.
The puzzle’s simplicity and elegance have made it a timeless favorite among math enthusiasts. So, did you approach the problem differently? Share your thoughts in the comments, and pass on the challenge to your friends to see how they fare.