In a shocking discovery, a poor creature was found wandering the streets, sending shockwaves through the community. The animal, later identified as a 14-year-old cat named Hidey, was in dire need of help. Her matted fur had become so entangled that rescuers initially mistook her for an alien-like creature.
The person who stumbled upon Hidey, Paul Russell, was taken aback by her appearance. “My god, this is a cat!” he exclaimed. Hidey’s condition was a result of years of neglect, which occurred when her owner developed Alzheimer’s disease and could no longer care for her. As a breed that requires regular grooming, Hidey was unable to take care of herself, leading to her severe matting.
Hidey’s story serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of caring for elderly people and their pets. The CEO of the Animal Rescue League Shelter & Wildlife Center, Dan Rossi, emphasized the responsibility that comes with owning a pet, especially for senior citizens. Hidey’s condition was so severe that her fur had become dreadlocked, requiring immediate medical attention.
Fortunately, Hidey received the care she needed, and her tangled fur was shaved off by a medical team. She has since found a new home with a family member, giving her a second chance at a happy life. Hidey’s story highlights the importance of supporting elderly pet owners and ensuring that their animals receive the care they need.