Ralph settled into bed, gave his wife a gentle kiss on the cheek, and drifted off into a deep slumber. But little did he know, his dream would take him on a journey to the afterlife.
When Ralph opened his eyes, he found himself standing before the Pearly Gates. St. Peter greeted him with a solemn expression. “Ralph, you’ve passed away in your sleep.” The news left Ralph stunned and desperate to return to the world of the living.
St. Peter, however, offered Ralph an unexpected choice: he could come back as either a fish or a hen. Ralph quickly dismissed the idea of being a fish, and the thought of being a hen seemed strangely appealing. He envisioned a peaceful existence, pecking at the ground, and enjoying the simple pleasures of life.
Ralph decided to take a chance and chose to be reincarnated as a hen. The next thing he knew, he was covered in feathers, clucking, and scratching at the ground. A friendly rooster approached him, introducing himself and asking about Ralph’s first day as a hen.
Ralph confided in the rooster about a strange, unsettling feeling inside. The rooster chuckled knowingly and explained that Ralph was ovulating. The concept of laying eggs was foreign to Ralph, but with the rooster’s guidance, he soon found himself experiencing the miracle of motherhood.
As Ralph laid his first egg, he felt an overwhelming sense of joy and pride. But his euphoria was short-lived, as he was abruptly awakened by his wife’s frantic shouting. Ralph’s wild adventure to the afterlife and back had been nothing more than a vivid dream, and he was left to face the messy consequences of his restless slumber.