When Sass Meets Royalty: A Flight Attendant’s Quick Wit

We’ve all been there – walking away from a confrontation, only to think of the perfect comeback hours later. But sometimes, we hear about someone who delivers a witty remark at just the right moment, leaving us in awe.

On a recent flight, a gay flight attendant was serving passengers with flair, putting everyone in a good mood. As the plane prepared to land, he made an announcement, using his signature campy style.

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However, one passenger, an elegantly dressed young woman, refused to comply with his request to put her tray up. She haughtily informed him that in her country, she was a princess and took orders from no one.

The flight attendant, unfazed by her royal claim, shot back with a witty remark that left everyone in stitches. “Well, sweet-cheeks, in my country, I’m called a Queen, so I outrank you. Tray up, Bitch.” His quick wit and sassiness earned him a round of applause from the other passengers.

This encounter serves as a reminder that sometimes, a well-timed witty remark can be the perfect way to diffuse a tense situation. And who knows, you might just earn yourself a reputation as the queen of comebacks.

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