A Family’s Quest for Change: The Heartbreaking Story of Jessica Brady

Jessica Brady, a vibrant young woman, tragically lost her life to cancer at the tender age of 27. Her story is a poignant reminder of the importance of timely diagnosis and the need for change in the way young people are diagnosed with cancer.

Jessica’s journey began in the summer of 2020, when she started feeling unwell. Despite her repeated visits to the doctor, she was dismissed time and time again, with doctors attributing her symptoms to Long Covid. Jessica’s family recalls how she would ring the doctor’s surgery, only to be met with a dismissive receptionist, followed by a GP who would prescribe medication over the phone without ever discussing the possibility of cancer.

This pattern continued for six months, with Jessica having 20 GP appointments and two A&E visits. It wasn’t until she saw a private doctor that she finally received a diagnosis: stage four adenocarcinoma. The cancer had spread to her spine, liver, stomach, lungs, and lymph nodes, leaving her with just three weeks to live.

Jessica’s family has since dedicated themselves to ensuring that no one else has to go through what they did. They have launched the Jessie Brady CEDAR Trust, which campaigns for awareness and a change in the law for how young people are diagnosed with cancer. The trust aims to introduce a new law that would see a patient’s case be ‘elevated for review’ after three visits to the doctor regarding an ongoing condition or symptom.

Jessica’s story is a heartbreaking reminder of the importance of listening to patients and taking their symptoms seriously. Her family’s quest for change is a testament to their love and dedication to ensuring that Jessica’s memory lives on. As they continue to fight for a change in the law, they hope that Jessica’s story will serve as a catalyst for change, saving countless lives in the process.

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