This man is 100 years old.

Meet Dobre, a compassionate Bulgarian man who, despite living in dire poverty, has selflessly contributed over 20,000 euros to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.

Each day, you’ll find him stationed at the church, but he’s not there to ask for help for himself. Instead, he collects the money people give him and directs it towards the church’s needs. Dobre’s dedication to this cause has made him the most significant individual benefactor to the church in recent decades.

His routine is remarkable. Every morning, Dobre embarks on a several-kilometer journey to the church, where he stands to gather funds. At day’s end, he walks several kilometers back home. This ritual has become synonymous with his identity, earning him the moniker “The Righteous from Bajlovo.”

Now in the 99th year of his life, Dobre’s unwavering commitment and sacrifice embody the essence of selflessness and compassion. Despite his own challenging circumstances, he continues to make a profound impact on his community and the church he holds dear.

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